Market Fair Vendor Application Form

The Castle’s Market Fair

Saturday, September 28th 10am—4pm

Dear Prospective Applicant,

Market Fair is a one day seller’s market at The Castle where vendors of “historical wares” set up demonstrating or selling items to the public. “Historical wares” are defined as products of a handmade nature that served (and continue to serve) a functional purpose in everyday life circa 1800 – 1930. Items should not originate from digitized production. Items for sale can be produced for modern sensibilities, but the process behind their development and/or design should originate from what can be considered “antiquated” means. In essence, a historical trade with modern flare.

This will be a juried vendor market with a limited number of vendors. Vendors will be selected based on those that best fit the description of “historical wares,” produced regionally, and are able to comply with setup guidelines and event parameters. Guidelines for this event specify that vendors will be expected to:

  • attend and stay for the duration of the event, rain or shine
  • this event, rain or shine
  • provide their own tent, tables, chairs, etc.
  • set-up and tear down on their own
  • be self-sustaining on site, without the use of electric, water, etc.
  • remain within the designated space limitations selected
  • leave their space as they found it without any harm to the property

Vendors per category will be limited. Those interested are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. The maximum number of vendors anticipated to be accepted will be thirty.

Please see the following Vendor Application form for details on deadlines. Accepted vendors will be notified via email by Friday, June 14th. Payments for selected vendors will need to be made by Friday, August 2nd. Payments for vendor spaces are non-refundable after Friday, September 13th. For questions, please contact The Castle’s Education Director Kyle Yoho at 740-373-4180 or [email protected].

Vendor Application Form

Vendor applications must be submitted in full to be considered for approval to sell.

By submitting this application, you are agreeing to the specified guidelines for this event.

Applicant Information

Media Information

Vendor Category




Please  be certain to provide accurate contact information. Vendors will be contacted via phone/email for questions. Selected vendors will be notified via email by Friday, June 14th.

Submitting Your Application:

Please be sure to click *Submit* to make sure your application is sent! 

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