Archaeology Field School Registration Form

August 1st – August 4th, 2022 6:00pm-8:00pm
The Castle

Enrollment in the Archaeology Field School at The Castle is for high school ages and adults. The registration fee of $50.00 per individual covers the cost of all the materials for the camp.

As part of the registration process, please fill out the Emergency Medical Authorization and Photo Release forms, which are included. Field School size is limited to 12 participants on a first-come-first-served basis, so early registration is encouraged. Please return registration papers along with payment by July 15th, 2022 by 4:00 p.m. to The Castle.

Prefer Pen & Paper?
Download and print the PDF registration.

*Please note: Friday, July 15th is reserved as a back-up day in the event of rain.

In the event of an emergency, The Castle contacts emergency services, and then the primary and secondary contacts listed on this form. This form will be provided to emergency service personnel.

Emergency Medical Authorization

Medical History

Part I: To Grant Consent
I hereby give consent for the following medical care providers and local hospital to be called:

In the event, reasonable attempts to contact me have been unsuccessful, I hereby give my consent for (1) the administration of any treatment deemed necessary by the above-named doctor, or in the event that the designated practitioner is not available, by another licensed physician or dentist, and (2) transfer to any hospital reasonably accessible.

Please type your first and last name

Part II: Refusal to Consent

I do NOT give my consent for emergency medical treatment of me, or my camper. In the event of illness or injury requiring emergency treatment, I wish The Castle authorities to take the following action:

Please type your first and last name

Permission to use Photograph

Event: Archaeology Field School
Date: Aug 1 – 4, 2022 (and possibly the 5th in the event of rain )
Location: The Castle

Please type your first and last name

Archaeology Field School Guidelines

Please Read Thoroughly

    • Be on time every day! Archaeology Camp is designed to begin and end at given times in order to fit many fun-filled experiences into each day. The program builds on itself, so it is helpful to attend every day.
    • Bring your own water bottle adequate for the two-hour session. The Castle is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items during Archaeology Camp. Please refrain from bringing valuables (cell phones, gaming devices, apple watches, jewelry, etc.) to camp.
    • Dress comfortably and sensibly.  Old clothes that can get dirty are the best. Remember sunscreen and hats. No flip-flops or open-toed shoes. We will be outside in the dirt. Work gloves will be provided and should be worn at all times while excavating.
    • Every effort has been made to make camp enjoyable and educational for all. Should a participant’s behavior interfere with others, the camper’s parent/guardian will be called to pick up the camper.

By signing below, I affirm that as a participating camper I have read and understand the above and intend to follow these guidelines:

Please type your first and last name

For campers under age 18:

By signing below, I affirm that I have read and understand the above and attest that my camper(s) understands and intends to follow these protocols:

Please type your first and last name

Click the *Submit* button to complete registration.

Registration and payment must be received together to ensure a spot in camp. 

Next, click the Proceed to Payment button below.

STEP 2 of 2 – Proceed to Payment
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