The Castle’s Virtual Field Trips
Enjoy The Castle’s Virtual Field Trips so your students learn about life in the nineteenth century with virtual learning from The Castle Historic House Museum. We have live and recorded experiential tours and hands-on classes to immerse your students in the history of nineteenth century America. The Castle offers standards-based educational opportunities that classroom students, homeschoolers, scouts, or youth groups can connect to from the comfort of home or classroom. We also can tailor programs to fit your group’s area of interest.
Review the following list of offerings to see what might work best for your class. Next, you can review our virtual field trip pricing structure with options to purchase a live or pre-recorded session. Lastly, to book one of these great experiences please fill out the virtual field trip request forms below.

House Tours
Your group can enjoy the educational opportunities of The Castle with group tours led by our knowledgeable docents. Participants will learn about the history of The Castle as well as Marietta, Washington County, and American history; nineteenth century architecture, furniture, and design; the Civil War; and lifestyles, roles, and culture of nineteenth century men, women, and children, including former Castle residents.
OH Social Studies Standards Met: 3.3, 3.2, 3.5, 3.8, 3.6, 3.16, 4.2, 4.8, 4.12, 4.14, 4.23, 5.16, 5.7
WV Social Standards Met: 4.13, 4.8
Timeframe: 45 minutes – 1 hour
Availability: Throughout the year
Min: 10; Max: 99 (Not applicable to pre-recorded option)
Bonus: Pre & Post Tour Activities Available

Why did men join the Union Army? Let a Civil War soldier tell you! He’ll show off and explain his army issue clothing and equipment. Don’t’ miss this opportunity to learn about the life of a Union soldier!
OH Social Studies Standards Met: 4.7
WV Social Standards Met: 3.4, 5.20
Timeframe: 45 minutes – 1 hour
Availability: Throughout the year
Min: 10; Max: 99
Options Available: Live, Pre-Recorded Option Coming Soon

Mound Cemetery Tour
Students will enjoy a guided tour through the ancient Mound Cemetery and will hear stories of Adena and Hopewell Mound Builders, Marietta founders, Revolutionary War veterans, and other historically significant Mariettans.
OH Social Studies Standards Met: 4.3, 4.12, 5.7, 5.8
WV Social Standards Met: Coming Soon
Timeframe: 45 minutes – 1 hour
Availability: Recorded – Throughout the year | Live - March – November (weather permitting)
Min: 10; Max: 99
Options Available: Live, Pre-Recorded Option Coming Soon:
Virtual Field Trip Pricing Structure
Choices can be made between live and pre-recorded sessions based on the convenience of your classroom or student group. Discounts apply for each additional program purchased.
Live Session Pricing
(Sessions will utilize The Castle’s Zoom Meeting or Webinar platform based on the preference of the group)
1 program/school: $50
2 program/school: $75
3 program/school: $100
Pre-Recorded Program Pricing
(Pre-recorded programs will be made available via links to a Google Drive folder. Each link will remain active throughout the academic year of purchase.)
1 program/school: $35
2 programs/school: $60
3 programs/school: $80
To book one of these programs, please fill out the appropriate virtual field trip request form below:
*Please note: Programs must be booked no later than two weeks in advance. No exceptions. Payment is preferred two weeks in advance, but will be accepted any time prior to the start date of the program in the amount due for the number of participants quoted at the time of booking.
Have other questions? Please contact The Castle’s Education Director at 740-373-4180 or via email at [email protected]
Interested in other educational opportunities at The Castle? Follow this link to learn more about our ongoing programs!