Engage with History at The Castle!
The Castle’s summer camps, bus trips, presentations, workshops, teas, and a variety of other programs provide innovative opportunities for all ages to engage with the past.
How do I register for programs?
Many programs are limited on space so registering in advance is always preferred. You can find information and payment options via this website or we can assist you by calling The Castle at 740.373.4180 and we will be happy to take your name and payment information.
Refunds & Cancellations
Cancellations that occur 48 hours before (or prior to registration deadlines) the start time of programs receive a full refund. Cancellations with less than 48 hour notice or no-shows are not eligible for refunds, in most cases. The Castle reserves the right to cancel or change the date of programs; in these cases, participants are notified and will receive full refunds.
Programs and Events are subject to cancellation and change. Additional programs may be added to The Castle’s calendar. To stay up-to-date, check our Facebook page and website. Thank you.